A collage with letters in greek

DIY – collage with letters

One of the things we love to do with kids is create and complete worksheets with activities that help them practise writing, spelling, math and cultivating imagination. Also, we all love to be somewhere with some papers and other drawing staff in front of us, creating ad-lib activities that include writing or drawing. 

Last Saturday morning was a moment like the one I described above. I woke up early enough to earn some private time for reading and journaling. However, the kids had a different intention. They woke up early and came and sat at the big table next to me. They wanted to do something all together. So we took pieces of paper and crayons, and we sketched letters. Then we painted them, took scissors and cut the letters, took glue and a big piece of paper and composed words with this collage method. It was very creative as the result was very colourful. In the end, we wrote through this method the most colourful list of the chores they had to do for the weekend. 

We had the opportunity to practise spelling, especially with the youngest one, and create many other words as we could play something like Scrabble. We spent more than an hour together, felt creative and connected, and stayed calm and quiet enough to let our daddy enjoy his Saturday morning sleep a little more. 

Make a list composing letters and creating words

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